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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Thanks to Holly, I've been tagged. Here are the rules.

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! Sure hope I can come up with 7 people who haven't already been tagged.

1. I was sent to Toronto's Sick Kids Hospital as a baby because I was growing to fast. They decided that I was just very healthy and sent me home after being there a week.

2. I am absolutely terrified of guns and tornadoes although I have never had much experience with either - thankfully.

3. I was sure I didn't want to have kids until I was 30. So glad I changed my mind.

4. My parents were told that I wasn't smart enough to finish highschool let alone go to college. Hmmm good thing the University of Waterloo, University of Guelph and Western University didn't know that because they all accepted me. To bad I didn't finish but after my second year I realized I wanted to be a graphic designer.

5. I hope that one day I will finish my university degree.

6. I've been to Disney World 9 times and hopefully there will be many more trips.

7. That I'm very shy. Of course, once you get to know me I don't shut up.

I can't tag anyone. I think everyone I know has already been chased down. Oh well, I'll be much quicker next time. Thanks Holly for tagging me.


Elia said...

Great to learn a bit more about you Angela. I too am shy until you get to know me more. LOL

Tara said...

9 times WOW!! Between the Nook and Disney you must have a fun life!! LOL!!