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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


We went to a playgroup today at the town's gym. I had met some ladies on line and we decided to meet. It was a great time and I wish we had of gone to this sooner. Sydney had a blast running around and now she is napping after lunch. Certainly wears here out which is what she needs.

Yesterday she bit Devin's hand. The poor guy didn't know what was coming and he let out one awful scream. I came running and realized what she had done. I hope she understood why she was punished.

Last night I got some scrapping done so I'm going to continue with it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Things to do

I need to update this more often but I forget. Although I love reading others.

Now that things have settled a bit in our lives I need to get some goals set for this maternity leave.

1. Get rid of the clutter in this house
2. Get my scrap room organized and cleaned up
3. Enter the Maya Road DT - I doubt I'll get on but it will be a great experience.
4. Possibly enter the HOF - again a great experience but it may not happen due to time needed.
5. Have a vacation. Not sure where yet but we need one
6. Motivate John to finish some stuff around here. Not sure how I will motivate him but they need to get finished
7. Lose weight - not just the baby weight but more.

I'm sure there is more to add and I will as I think of them.

Here's a photo I took on the weekend of the three of us. John wasn't around so I did it on my own.