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Thursday, January 25, 2007

January 25

Boy, I must have been tired when I posted last. There are words in there that shouldn't be. I was going to correct it but then I thought I would leave it as a reminder of how exhausted I was booking this trip.

Thankfully we have everything for the trip except for our plane tickets and they have promised we should have them by Friday.

We've started packing so hopefully we will having ready shortly.

I already have plans on how I will show off all the pics we take. I have a Maya Road album just waiting to be altered for this. I can't wait to start it but I'm hoping to find some Disney stuff for it while we are away. There doesn't seem to be much around here.


Elaine said...

Have a safe trip Angela!

Unknown said...

Oh Ang I am trying to figure out if you have left yet! If so, I hope you are having a wonderful, wonderful time and I can't wait till you get back so I can hear all the dets!

Safe travels my friend!!!!